
Outsource Penetration Testing

Let’s begin by understanding what penetration testing is. Pentests are designed to proactively look for any vulnerabilities in one’s security measures to address them before an intruder takes advantage of them. Pentesting is used to identify the variety of ways that malicious threat actors could employ to breach critical systems or gain access to high-value assets like customer data or other proprietary information. Penetration testing is crucial for identifying code, configurations, and infrastructure vulnerabilities for both code-based and no-code platforms. Organisations can improve their security posture and better equip themselves against cyberattacks by proactively addressing their shortcomings. Next, you may ask who performs penetration testing. A seasoned and professional pentester does the job. Pentest is carried out with the organisation’s consent; however, most staff members won’t be aware that one is being done. A pentester attempts to exploit existing flaws in order to establish a line of attack. It involves figuring out how to get inside the network and capture the “crown jewels.” Interesting, right? Now, when a third-party vendor does the penetration test, it is called outsourced pentesting. The next section of the blog shines a light on the importance of outsourcing penetration testing in 2025.

Importance of Outsourcing Pentesting in 2025

If there are so many cybersecurity technologies at one’s disposal to protect their business, why is pen testing still necessary? The explanation is straightforward: your network is a moving target, and you require a secure network. A penetration test can provide you with an overall assessment of your security posture as well as a reality check. It can assist you in maintaining vigilance and questioning your presumptions. Outsourcing pentesting is an excellent solution for companies that might lack the internal knowledge or resources to carry out comprehensive penetration tests themselves. Outsource penetration testing provides access to cutting-edge knowledge and tools designed to help your organisation navigate the intricate web of cyber threats. It’s a calculated move that lets seasoned experts handle the difficult and complex process of penetration testing, freeing you up to concentrate on your business.

An outsourced pentest can uncover vulnerabilities in your firewalls and perimeter security before they are exploited, or it can detect issues with remote access tools that could unintentionally provide an avenue of entry for hackers into your network. Organisations must give security top priority, given the frequency with which computer systems, networks, and applications are compromised, as well as the increasing expense associated with these kinds of attacks. Given the high risk that cyber attacks bring, pen tests should be carried out on a regular basis. At the very least, every organisation must get a penetration test done once a year to guarantee that their company’s infrastructure is safe and secure. The final word? Customers’ trust in your company and its reputation make the investment in outsourced penetration testing worthwhile.

Different Types of Pentesting

Different types of penetration testing are conducted to assess the security maturity of organisations. Why are there so many types of penetration tests? The dynamic and corrosive nature of cybersecurity threats and the distinct vulnerabilities linked to different parts of an organisation’s infrastructure are the reasons behind the variety of penetration testing methods. Because cyber threats are ever-changing, security postures must also be flexible. Different kinds of pen testing provide a more thorough evaluation of a company’s security measures. Now, depending on what methods are used in a penetration testing process, there are three types:

  • Black Box Testing
  • Grey Box Testing
  • White Box Testing

Black Box Testing: This type of pen testing simulates how an outside attacker would see a system with the tester having no knowledge about the target. A pentester goes in knowing absolutely nothing.

White Box Testing: In this instance, the tester has complete access to all target system data via walkthroughs, documentation, and other means. The attack mimics the potential capabilities of an individual with authorised access. White box testing ensures complete coverage of the system’s security features.

Grey Box Testing: Testing with grey boxes lies amid the two approaches that came before it. The penetration tester can act as an attacker with some degree of access to the target system as they are somewhat familiar with it. They model an attack scenario with testers’ restricted knowledge of the target system.

There is another way to differentiate penetration testing, which is based on the resources that are to be tested. This type of pen testing depends on a company’s security maturity and unique requirements. After analysing these details, the pen testing team will determine the best methodology. For more critical systems, it makes sense to employ a variety of techniques and more thorough testing. When it comes to the resources that are being tested, penetration testing can be divided into the following types:

  • Network Penetration Testing
  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • Mobile Application Penetration Testing
  • API Penetration Testing
  • Cloud Penetration Testing
  • Hardware Penetration Testing
  • Social Engineering Penetration Testing

Why Do You Need To Outsource Penetration Testing? | Highlighting the Benefits

It is expensive to locate and neutralise attacks and notify the parties involved. Negligent behaviour towards security can also cause operational inconvenience and harm your business’s reputation. This is where penetration testing comes in; it assists your team in lowering the likelihood that a severe breach would transpire. Pentests also help you get ready and demonstrate what to do in the event of a break-in. They thoroughly examine your company’s security procedures to assess their efficacy and identify any areas that require reinforcement. They function similarly to fire drills.

Pen tests are more thorough than the routine vulnerability assessments conducted by your team. They are one of the most excellent ways to make sure that an application is sufficiently safe and secure, as they can assist you in identifying potential security flaws in the application. On the other hand, vulnerability assessments are just routine, automated security scans that look for common weaknesses in your system’s code that could result in security problems. These methods are enhanced by penetration testing. Pen testing involves testers pretending to be hostile hackers while they scan systems and apps for vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability is found, the testers try to exploit it. Pen tests seldom produce false positives because a malicious threat actor may easily exploit a vulnerability if a pen tester can. One must never forget that pen-testing helps to comply with regulations by guaranteeing that security is up to date.

For companies that might lack the internal knowledge or resources to carry out comprehensive penetration tests, outsourced pentesting proves to be a true blessing. By using professional service providers, you can get access to cutting-edge knowledge and instruments designed to help you negotiate the intricate web of cyber threats. These instruments, which are frequently expensive and complex, are necessary for comprehensive and successful penetration testing. You may use these cutting-edge products through outsourcing instead of having to make a direct investment in them, which can save a lot of money, particularly for smaller companies or those with tighter IT budgets. The growing demand for robust security structures requires organisations to conduct timely and exhaustive penetration tests. Here is what you will gain with consistent pen tests:

  • Leverage a proactive defence approach
  • Intelligently manage vulnerabilities
  • Identify & prioritise security risks
  • Increase confidence in your security system
  • Discover the strength of existing security programs
  • Meet regulatory requirements

How to Outsource Penetration Testing in 2024?

Pentests are sometimes mistaken for audits and vulnerability assessments. Despite their frequent interchangeability, the terms are different. Unlike vulnerability assessments, which aim to compile a list of every vulnerability in every system, pen tests do a handful of more. Firstly, security experts from outside your organisation, not employees, carry outsource penetration testing. These vendors who are employed to carry out penetration tests are experts who specialise in ethical hacking. They employ a range of techniques and methodologies that malevolent hackers often use to identify and compromise systems.

A pen test is often carried out using a five-step strategy that helps the tester identify potential weaknesses in your system and the kind of harm that might be possible if malicious actors were to take advantage of these weaknesses.

Once you have secured a vendor to conduct a penetration test for your organisation. This is what the process looks like:

  1. Planning and Reconnaissance
  2. Scanning
  3. Gaining Access
  4. Maintaining Access
  5. Analysis and Reporting

1. Planning and Reconnaissance

Here’s where pen testers “scope their target” and learn all the essential details about the subject. To effectively perform a penetration test, one needs to have a thorough awareness of the target’s attack surface, which includes all attackable endpoints and vectors as well as any additional vulnerabilities. The first phase of pen testing involves defining objectives and scope, as well as the systems to be tested and the testing techniques to be applied.

2. Scanning

It’s time to move on to scanning after the reconnaissance phase has produced all the necessary data. During this penetration testing phase, the tester checks network traffic on the target system and finds open ports using a variety of tools. Penetration testers try to find as many open ports as they can for the subsequent penetration testing phase since open ports are probable sites of entry for attackers. The next step is to find out how the target application will react to different intrusion attempts. Continuing social engineering methods to steal sensitive credentials that could aid in their application intrusion could also be part of this step.

3. Gaining Access

Once the tester has identified their attack surface and pen test target, it’s time to begin exploiting. At this stage, the tester’s job is to find weaknesses and use unexpected inputs to break the application. In the following phase, the pen tester tries to access the target application using all the information they have collected.

4. Maintaining Access

If they are able to access your system, the escalation phase concentrates on keeping them in and determining the potential damage they might cause. The objective is to maintain connectivity long enough to change your code, intercept confidential information, and change the functionality of your program. The main goal of this phase is to find out the possible effects of a successful malicious attack.

5. Analysis and Reporting

After everything is done and dusted, a report containing the penetration test results is created by the penetration testing team. It outlines particular weaknesses that were taken advantage of during the tests and discloses the private information that was viewed. The hiring party also receives the details of how long the pen tester was able to stay in the system without being noticed, along with a list of measures that must be employed to reduce the risks. Security professionals later examine this data to find flaws and fend off further attacks.

Best Companies to Outsource Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is an essential cybersecurity technique to find flaws and vulnerabilities in an organisation’s networks, applications, and information systems. In order to evaluate the security posture and identify potential entry points that malevolent hackers could exploit, it entails simulating probable cyberattacks. The dynamic nature of cyber threats poses a growing obstacle for organisations seeking to protect their digital assets. As a result, a lot of companies are increasingly thinking about hiring specialised outside vendors to handle their penetration testing needs. As you are well aware, there are several benefits attached to a outsource penetration testing. We have compiled a list of the very best outsourcing options for you to begin your penetration testing journey:

  • Pentest Limited
  • NCC Group
  • GoAllSecure
  • Rapid7
  • Secureworks
  • Nettitude
  • Secureworks
  • F-Secure Consulting
  • Context Information Security
  • PwC UK

Outsourcing penetration testing is a big choice that has to be well thought through. It is crucial to weigh the advantages, cost-effectiveness, and access to specialised knowledge against drawbacks such as communication management and quality issues. If you are interested in a detailed review of these companies, check out our blog on the Top 12 Pen Testing Companies in UK.


In conclusion, we recommend you schedule pen tests on a regular basis. The yearly penetration tests are at a bare minimum and help you meet compliance needs. But in this world of cybersecurity, which is exceptionally complex and is constantly changing due to new threats and technological advancements, your organisation needs more. We can help you in creating much stronger security mechanisms for your business. GoAllSecure is one of the specialised cybersecurity providers that offers several significant benefits to your company when you outsource penetration testing. Having access to specialised knowledge is among the most important advantages. The home team at GoAllSecure is committed to remaining on the cutting edge of this field, offering a level of expertise and experience that might be difficult to sustain internally. If you have more questions regarding outsourcing penetration tests, feel free to contact us at +91 85 2723 7851 or +44 20 3287 4253.