
Understanding SOC Operations and Processes

Cyberattacks happen far too often these days for businesses to get comfortable. New threat actors and new vectors are constantly causing difficulties for organisations. In order to improve their chances of survival in a world full of hostile actors, astute companies must integrate cybersecurity into every aspect of their operations to withstand and remain ahead of this quickly changing threat landscape. Organisations now require a Security Operations Centre (SOC) more than ever due to the rise in cyberattacks and data breaches. A SOC serves as a cybersecurity professional’s command centre. That monitor, analyse and protect an organisation from cyberattacks. This blog is our attempt to shed some light on SOC’s importance in securing businesses.

Overview of Security Operations Centre (SOC)

A security operations centre, often known as a SOC, is a centralised headquarters for tracking, identifying, and handling security-related issues and incidents that a business may encounter. It can be an actual, physical location or a virtual organisation. As part of a more extensive incident detection and response (IDR) programme, a SOC can be implemented using various models, such as managed or outsourced, co-managed, and in-house models. It is a team of in-house or contracted IT security specialists known as a SOC—often pronounced “sock”- that is responsible for continuously monitoring an organisation’s entire IT infrastructure. Its goal is to identify, evaluate, and address security incidents quickly. The coordination of cybersecurity functions guarantees a proactive defence posture against cyber threats. It permits the SOC team to closely monitor the organisation’s networks, systems, and applications. A security operations centre enhances an organisation’s capacity for threat detection, response, and prevention by consolidating and directing all cybersecurity operations and technologies. The majority of SOCs are more of a formalised team committed to a specific set of security roles for identifying and evaluating risks within an organisation’s or company’s environment than a physical room like the one you see in Marvel movies.

Types of Security Operations Centre

Different types of Security Operations Centres (SOCs) can be created to meet the specific requirements and available resources of different sorts of organisations. An organisation’s choice of SOC is influenced by various criteria, including its size, industry, budget, and desired level of control over cybersecurity operations. The ultimate objective of any SOC is the same: to strengthen an organisation’s cybersecurity posture, safeguard confidential information, and effectively address new and emerging cyber threats. The following are a few typical kinds of security operations centres:

  • Internal SOC
  • Co-managed SOC
  • Outsourced SOC
  • Hybrid SO
  • Virtual SOC

Organisations must carefully evaluate their cybersecurity needs, budget, and available resources to select the best form of SOC because each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.

Role of SOC in Cybersecurity Defense

SOC is an essential part of a company’s data protection and security systems. A Security Operations Centre helps lower the amount of risk that an organisation’s systems and networks are exposed to by providing constant, round-the-clock monitoring. Without an effective SOC, cyberattacks may go unreported for a long time and cause havoc on systems since most businesses lack the tools to identify and address cyber threats quickly. With a SOC, organisations can better monitor their surroundings and put appropriate policies and processes in place to stop cyberattacks. Organisations can be better equipped to address cyber crises before they worsen by promptly detecting weaknesses.

The establishment of a SOC is essential to successfully fending off attacks. The proactive defence capabilities of a SOC shorten the time between discovery and response, which is what makes it valuable. A SOC can identify possible threats early on thanks to its superior threat detection capabilities and real-time monitoring, which enables quick and efficient resulting actions. By acting quickly, businesses can stop malicious actors from intensifying attacks and doing more significant harm. A SOC helps minimise the impact on corporate operations and prevent potential financial losses by quickly recognising and controlling security issues. SOC teams carry out in-depth post-event analysis, enabling businesses to strengthen their cybersecurity posture and learn from security breaches.

Components of Security Operations Centre

Security Operations Centres (SOCs) assist in identifying, preventing, detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity attacks by utilising a variety of tools and technologies. Numerous components of a SOC must be organised and put in place before it can be considered a practical solution. These components are a mix of technology and human intelligence. Therefore, the joint efforts of its knowledgeable staff and the cooperation of its diverse elements make a security operation centre successful.

The human component consists of professionals with distinct tasks and duties who make up SOC teams. The front-line defenders in charge of keeping an eye on security incidents and alerts in real-time are called SOC analysts. They examine information from a range of sources, such as threat intelligence feeds, SIEM systems, and intrusion detection systems. The security technologies utilised in the SOC must be implemented, configured, and maintained by SOC engineers. Another crucial team member is the threat intelligence analysts, who concentrate on obtaining and evaluating threat information from a range of sources, such as industry-specific threat assessments, public feeds, and dark web monitoring. They offer vital information about new emerging threats in order to help the SOC team better defend itself. Within the SOC, a specialised group tasked with handling and managing cybersecurity incidents is called the incident response team. They run the show in case of a cyberattack.

Additionally, a well-equipped SOC consists of a number of technologies and tools that guarantee the cybersecurity resilience of the company. Let’s have a look at these elements that make up a typical SOC:

  • Security Information And Event Management (SIEM) System
  • Intrusion Detection And Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)
  • Endpoint Detection And Response (EDR)
  • Vulnerability Scanning and Management Tools
  • Firewalls and Proxies
  • Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIP)
  • Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)

What Do You Require To Set Up a SOC?

Establishing a SOC is a deliberate process that calls for meticulous preparation, resource allocation, and teamwork. To set up a SOC, three primary pillars are required: people, tools and processes. Success depends on preparing these fundamental pillars, regardless of whether the SOC is developed internally or contracted out to a managed service provider. Here is a quick guide to assist you in creating a productive SOC:


People are the most vital pillar of any organisation’s cybersecurity plan. Finding the ideal candidates to run your SOC most effectively is also very challenging. An effective SOC requires individuals with a variety of skill sets to fill various roles. If skilled individuals are missing from your SOC, even the most advanced security mechanisms will not yield the desired results.

Tools & Technologies

Building a successful and efficient SOC requires a collection of solid and cohesive technologies. The time invested in creating the roles and duties outlined above will pay dividends in determining the technology the SOC uses. Companies need to strive for a multi-tiered strategy when making an impenetrable security architecture that thwarts even the most advanced cyberattacks. Cloud security, data encryption, endpoint security, application security, malware detection, vulnerability scanners, network security, firewalls, etc., are some of the most crucial technologies for creating a robust SOC.


The last thing you need to think about when starting a SOC is establishing processes that your team’s tools and personnel will adhere to. You need to have a set of established procedures that the SOC operators must adhere to in order for the SOC to function as efficiently as possible. These procedures include protocols for data tracking and documentation, security measures for sensitive data transfers, client data management, and user authentication to enhance data security. They also assist operators in understanding what has to be done in specific scenarios.

SOC Operations Best Practices

To identify and address security problems quickly and efficiently, a well-oiled SOC needs established procedures and best practices. There are numerous recommended best practices for managing a successful SOC. You can strengthen your organisation’s cybersecurity posture by adhering to these recommendations. Trust us, creating a SOC doesn’t have to be difficult at all. To maximise the efficacy and efficiency of SOC operations, utilise the best practices listed below:

  • Continue to monitor the organisation’s networks, vital assets, and IT infrastructure around the clock.
  • Create thorough preparations for responding to various kinds of security issues. Test frequently with tabletop exercises and simulations.
  • Encourage cooperation and communication between the IT, management departments and the SOC team.
  • For more productivity, automate repetitive processes like log analysis and issue prioritisation using automation tools.
  • Keep detailed records of every security incident, including the consequences, the steps taken to contain it, and the lessons learned.
  • To restrict access to important systems and data, strict access controls and privileged account management procedures must be put in place.
  • Regularly conduct vulnerability assessments to find gaps in the security posture of an organisation.

Benefits of Building Resilient SOC Operations

Several benefits are guaranteed when your organisation has a dedicated SOC, including reduced cybersecurity costs, better departmental collaboration, and continuous network surveillance. A SOC’s watchfulness never falters. The SOC team is like an on-duty guard, constantly on the lookout for danger. In the event that something unusual is noticed, they look into it right away and make sure it’s not malicious before acting, which enables them to react efficiently. Its members are committed to maintaining security and safety like night guards, looking for probable threats day and night. Because of the effective incident response method, any possible danger or damage may be precisely contained, giving organisations peace of mind that their systems are secure. And how can we forget that having a functional SOC is also essential for fulfilling compliance obligations. The list of benefits doesn’t end here; mentioned below are some other benefits of the Security Operations Centre:

  • Early Threat Detection
  • Rapid Incident Mitigation
  • Proactive Threat Protection
  • Enhanced Incident Management
  • Business Continuity
  • Upholding Regulatory Compliance
  • Continuous Customer Trust
  • Effective Reputation Management

It can be very tedious and almost impossible to reduce risks and successfully apply solutions without a robust Security Operations Centre in today’s threat landscape. In addition to that, your organisation will always live in fear due to the increasing susceptibility to cybersecurity attacks and their aftermath. We can help your organisation navigate the constantly changing world of cyber security and protect critical data and systems. We have all the resources to help you build a resilient SOC operations, from choosing the appropriate model for your organisation and assembling the top security experts for the team to implementing the necessary tools and technology. Take your first steps towards safety and success. For more information about us, kindly call us at +91 85 2723 7851 or +44 20 3287 4253.